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terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2015

Vegan Month of Food, Day 8: My fellow vegan friend, Lauren! The...

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Vegan Month of Food, Day 8: My fellow vegan friend, Lauren!

The prompt today is to “make a vegan friend,” and I am proud to say I have a vegan twin of sorts! My sweet friend Lauren and I met while interning at the Center for Biological Diversity, an environmental advocacy group that, as one of its project areas, encourages the reduction of animal product consumption as a means to alleviate climate change, deforestation, and the many other environmental ills associated with animal agriculture. Both longtime vegetarians, we decided to put our money where our hearts are, and we went fully vegan on the same day: May 21. While she is far away, I have enjoyed having her support from a distance as we live this kinder - but sometimes controversial - lifestyle. In this picture, we were taking a quick break from a day spent biking around San Francisco and Sausalito (my hair is so wild in that wind, haha). Lauren is currently backpacking around South America, and I miss her dearly. Love you, sweet girl!

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