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quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2015

Revelation: Caribbean avocados are actually delicious… Truly,...

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Revelation: Caribbean avocados are actually delicious… Truly, seasonality is everything.
I did not realize I liked avocados at all until I went to college in Southern California. When I returned home to St. Croix around Christmastime of my first year, I was disappointed to find that the so-called “local” avocados in the grocery store were bland, mealy, and watery.
Yesterday, years later and in the heady heat of August, a sweet couple who sell fresh fruit near my local post office had a full table of vibrant, freshly-picked Crucian avocados, their smooth skin (in contrast to the bumpy West Coast specimens) gleaming in the sun. Missing avocados dearly, as the ones from California rarely make it to St. Croix in good shape, I decided to give them another go. As a kind bonus, the sweet couple gave me a buttery, ripe, already-cut-open avocado, which I promptly took back to work and spread on corn chips with some hot sauce… Velvety, decadent heaven.
Friends elsewhere in the tropics: go find yourselves some avocados. They’re perfect right now.

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