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sexta-feira, 2 de julho de 2010

Delicious Examples of Sandwich Art

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A Pair of Acewiches

Andy from the BBC show "Blue Peter"

The Bacon Scale 'Wich

The Beatnik… or should I say, the Beet-nik

The Butterfly

Cakewalk Sandwiches

The Kitty Katwich

The Flip Cellwich

A Cross between The Madhatter and The Cheshire Cat?

One Last Bite…

The Pickledile

Cupcake Sliders

The Dad Sandwich

Quesadilla Dominoes

Double-decker Dumbbell


Fruitcake Forrest

The Giftwich


Guitar Grinder

Ghoulish Handwich

Sandwich Island



The Loch Ness Monster

Mater from the Movie Cars

Molecular Sandwich

Cordless Mouse with a USB Cheese Stick

Nike AirMax Cheeseburger



The Grand Panini

Pumpkin Burger

The Puzzle Panini

Push the Pedal to the… ham?

The Rubik's Cubewich

Out to Dry….

Spongebob Squarepants

Sandwich Stocking Stuffer

Choose Your Suit…wich

The White Tiger


Swine n' Cheese

The World's Smallest Pastrami Sandwich!

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